Curfew for everyone except emergency personnel
All non-essential business closed, public and private sector
Restaurants - take-out only
Schools, daycares closed
Beaches closed on the weekends from noon
Suspension of elective medical and dental procedures
Non-essential businesses open, bars closed, hotel reservation systems closed until Sept.19, 2020
Restaurants open for indoor dining of 6 persons per table; no bar seating
Indoor/Outdoor recreation facilities open, no food or drink, facial covering required
Beaches closed at 4pm on weekends and holidays
No gathering greater than 50, facial coverings and social distancing required
Facial covering in all commercial entities
Public school and daycare campuses closed; Virtual learning implemented
Nursing homes closed to visitation
All businesses open
Indoor/Outdoor recreation facilities open, no food or drink, facial covering required
No gathering greater than 50, facial coverings and social distancing required
Facial covering in all commercial entities
Schools, daycares closed
Nursing homes limited visitation
Mass gathering and social distancing restrictions relaxed