Education Officials Brief Governor Bryan on Status of Student Performance and Outcomes

The Bryan/Roach administration is committed to graduating K-12 students who are proficient and college and career ready upon graduation. As such, the Administration is focused on implementing data-driven initiatives to expand opportunities to students which will ultimately lead to an improved quality of life.

Governor Albert Bryan Jr. and his senior staff meet with Education Commissioner Raquel Berry-Benjamin and her team to discuss student performance and outcomes as part of the Bryan/Roach Administration’s ‘Cradle to Career and Beyond’ initiative.

As a component of the Cradle to Career and Beyond initiative, the administration is building an education system that successfully aligns educational outcomes with the workforce needs of the Virgin Islands. Therefore, it is the administration’s intent to engage a continuum of learning that includes early childhood education, K-12 education, post-secondary education, and workforce development. The effort will include partnerships with philanthropic organizations, businesses, parents and the non-profit sector.

Education Commissioner Raquel Berry-Benjamin briefs the governor and his senior staff.