Governor Bryan Introduces ‘Walk Out Wednesday’ As Part of ‘Our Best Life Health and Wellness’ Initiative

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS — During the weekly Government House briefing on Monday, July 11, Government House Communications Director Richard Motta Jr. said Governor Albert Bryan Jr. will launch “Walk Out Wednesday” on July 20 as the first Territory-wide event that is part of the Office of the Governor’s “Our Best Life Health and Wellness” initiative.

The goal of the “Our Best Life” initiative is to improve the physical, mental and emotional well-being of all Virgin Islanders through a series of events, activities and services. The Department of Sports, Parks and Recreation will be leading this first event, and will have similar activities and events coming in the next few weeks.

The “Walk Out Wednesday” walking fitness challenge is open to everyone and all ages in an effort to motivate a routine that allows for a healthier and more active lifestyle, according to Director Motta. 

The event requires only 1 day of walking for 2 miles for six weeks, and participants will receive an official “Our Best Life” Team T-shirt, wristband, and towel.

Walkers on St. Croix will meet at Midre Cummings Park at 5:30 pm and walk to Frederiksted Pool which is about 2 miles one way and 2 miles back which would be about 4 miles.

Walkers in St. Thomas will start from Griffith Park and go to Yacht Haven Grande which will be about 1.4 miles one way and back, so almost 3 miles total.

St. John walks will begin at the Virgin Islands National Park ballpark to Caneel Bay Hotel and back. The walk will be about 1.5 miles one way and back would be about 3 miles.

For more information about participating, call the Department of Sports, Parks, and Recreation at 340-774-0255 on St. Thomas or 340-773-0160 on St. Croix. To register, click here: .

Pandemic Emergency Assistance Funds

Director Motta also said the Department of Human Services (DHS) has announced the availability of Pandemic Emergency Assistance for Virgin Islands families currently receiving the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

The funding, which was authorized under the American Rescue Plan through the Administration of Children and Families (ACF), was created by the Biden Administration to provide funding to states and territories to assist needy families impacted by COVID-19 and will be issued to TANF recipients in the territory between July and September.   

“Virgin Island family households with a combined maximum income of $50,000, which contain a minor younger than 18, are eligible to receive the Pandemic Emergency Assistance Funds upon application approval,” Director Motta said. “Benefit levels will be determined by the Territorial Pandemic Emergency Assistance Funds Review Committee weekly and will be disbursed via paper checks and issued in person to the applicant after identification and signature verification.” 

For any questions or clarification, please call the Territorial PEAF2 Hotline at 340-772-7120.

Diabetes Health Fair

The Virgin Islands Diabetes Center Of Excellence (VIDCOE) will host a free Diabetes Health Fair for residents in the Territory from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on July 30 at the City of Refuge Convention Center in Barren Spot on St. Croix.

The health fair is for adults and children with diabetes, prediabetes, persons with a family history of diabetes and persons at risk of diabetes. It will include free on-site diabetes screening; eye exams; foot and chiropractic care; and nutrition, diet and medication management and an endocrinologist will also be available for diabetes counseling. 

“VIDCOE will also provide group medication management and nutrition counseling, along with free exercise and group fitness classes taught by local fitness/exercise physiologists,” Director Motta said. “We hope to enroll patients at the fair and will begin seeing our first round of cohort patients for medical services on August 15 at VIDCOE’s La Grande Princesse office.”

For more information on the free Diabetes Health Fair, contact the Virgin Islands Center of Excellence at 340-208-0260 or by visiting their website at

GVI Fellows Program

Director Motta also reminded the community that the deadline to apply for the GVI Financial Fellows’ program is July 15.

The GVI Financial Fellows’ program is a two-year paid internship open to Virgin Islanders with a bachelor’s degree or higher in project management, economics, business administration, construction management, accounting, engineering, finance, and more can work for two years on 6-month rotations within the Government of the Virgin Island’s financial and project management agencies, including the Office of Management and Budget, the Department of Finance, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and Office of Disaster Recovery.

Those interested in applying for the program can get more information and sign up at

COVID-19 cases as of July 11

  • 10.5% seven-day positivity rate
  • Currently tracking 178 active cases (98 STX; 68 STT; 12 STJ)
  • 120 deaths
  • There are 4 COVID-19 patients hospitalized at Luis Hospital on St. Croix.
  • There are 2 COVID-19 patients hospitalized, with one on a ventilator, at Schneider Regional Medical Center on St. Thomas. 

Adult Vaccinations

The Community Vaccination Center (CVC) at Schneider Hospital on St. Thomas will be open from 9 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays. To make an appointment, call 340-774-7447. 

Free vaccinations at the CVC at the Charles Harwood Complex on St. Croix are available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday and Wednesdays. To make an appointment, call 340-718-1311 ext. 3895 or ext. 3822.

On St. John, free vaccinations for all ages are available by appointment only at the Morris DeCastro Clinic by calling 340-776-6400.

Pediatric Vaccinations

For children 6 months to 4 years old, the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine has been authorized as a three-dose primary series, and for children ages 5-17, the vaccine continues to be authorized as a two-dose primary series. The Moderna vaccine also is authorized for children ages 6 months to 5 years old as a two-dose primary series.

Pediatric vaccinations (ages 5 to 17) and infant vaccinations (ages 6 months to 5 years) are available on St. Thomas at the Maternal and Child Health Clinic from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays, and on St. Croix under the tent at the Charles Harwood Complex from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays.

On St. John, free vaccinations for all ages are available by appointment only at the Morris DeCastro Clinic by calling 340-776-6400.

Parents and guardians can set up an appointment by calling 340-777-8804 ext. 2600 on St. Thomas or 340-244-0016 on St. Croix or by going to Residents are reminded to bring an ID for the parent or guardian, as well as the infant or child’s ID and a copy of the birth certificate.

More COVID-19 Information

Anyone who thinks they may have contracted COVID-19 can call the Epidemiology hotline at 340-712-6299 (STX) or 340-776-1519 (STT-STJ). For more information, visit

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