Governor Bryan Signs Proclamation Designating November as Virgin Islands Recycles Month

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS—Governor Albert Bryan Jr. has signed a proclamation designating November as “Virgin Islands Recycles Month.”

The designation is part of the nationwide campaign declaring November as “America Recycles Month,” which is part of a public-private partnership effort aimed at increasing media attention and public support for recycling and waste reduction.

To help encourage Virgin Islanders to recycle their waste, the Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority has a number of activities and events planned throughout the month in both island Districts.

As a reminder to residents, the Waste Management Authority will install a 24-foot banner near the Red Cross building on St. Croix and another on the Cancryn Bridge in Altona, St. Thomas, and a 6-foot banner will be installed on St. John in Estate Suzannaberg. The Authority also has a series of public service announcements that will air on local radio stations.

Also throughout the month, VIWMA Environmental Educators will visit schools in both districts to inform the students about recycling.

Other activities and events the Waste Management Authority has planned for November include:

  • Waste Management Authority will participate in the “340 Zero Waste Festival,” which is put on by E.A.S.T – the Environmental Association of St. Thomas-St. John – and is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, November 9 at Plaza Extra Supermarket at Tutu Park Mall on St. Thomas.
  • A Composting Workshop from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Sunday, November 16 at the University of the Virgin Islands Cooperative Extension Service on St. Croix, room 133. The workshop will be conducted indoors and outdoors, so participants should dress to get messy.
  • A V.I. Waste Management Authority Open House as part of the St. Croix Chamber of Commerce’s “Business After Hours” from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 20 at the Authority’s main St. Croix office at 252 Estate Glynn.
  • An informational display will be set up at Taste of Two Islands, which begins at 6 p.m. Thursday, November 21 at Antilles School on St. Thomas.
  • A Composting Workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, November 23 at Gifft Hill School’s Upper Campus on St. John.
  • A Composting Workshop, time be determined, will take place on November 30 at the St. Thomas-St. John District Agriculture and Food Fair in Estate Bordeaux on St. Thomas.

Other events will be announced as they are finalized.

For more information, contact the Waste Management Authority via email at or call 340-513-4171.