Department of Finance Commissioner Valdamier O. Collens and Bureau of Internal Revenue Director Marvin L. Pickering have advised that 901 more Virgin Islanders will receive income tax refunds this week.
Director Pickering said the checks, which total $7.2 million, are to be mailed out on Tuesday.
“This latest release of refunds will bring the total amount of refunds paid under the Mapp-Potter Administration to $187.6 million,” Pickering said. “We have processed more than 14,000 refunds this fiscal year for a total of $40.1 million.”
Taxpayers who timely filed their 2015 and prior tax years returns and have not received their expected refunds, are advised to immediately contact the Bureau. Taxpayers who have not yet filed their 2017 tax returns are urged to do so immediately. Those who filed a valid extension are reminded that they have until October 15, 2018 to submit their returns.
Director Pickering thanked the public for their patience and cooperation.
“We don’t make an announcement every time we send out a batch of returns,” he said. “However, per Governor Mapp’s directive, we will continue to send out as many refund checks as we are able to approximately every two weeks. I would like to express my appreciation to the staff of IRB and the Department of Finance, who continue to process these returns and refunds as quickly as is possible.”