Governor Albert Bryan Jr. and Lieutenant Governor Tregenza A. Roach, Esq., joined by DPW Commissioner Derek Gabriel (left of the Governor), DPW staff, and contractors from Custom Builders, celebrate the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the temporary bridge on Queen Mary Highway.
U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Governor Albert Bryan Jr. and Department of Public Works Commissioner Derek Gabriel are pleased to announce the completion of the temporary bridge on the Queen Mary Highway in St. Croix. This critical infrastructure project enhances connectivity and improves traffic flow in the area.
The bridge, connecting the intersection of Casper Holstein Drive, Queen Mary Highway, and East Airport Road to Route 707 just west of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, will open to public traffic on Wednesday Morning.
This project, completed by Custom Builders, included constructing and paving the bridge approaches and striping and installing guardrails along the roadway. This achievement marks a significant milestone in the Bryan-Roach Administration’s ongoing efforts to address aged infrastructure throughout the territory.
“The completion of this bridge, the first of three under active construction, marks a significant milestone in our recovery, especially regarding our transportation infrastructure. I am happy we are getting this major thoroughfare reopened for the people of St. Croix,” said Commissioner Derek Gabriel. “Residents across the territory can expect us to keep this momentum going.”
Governor Albert Bryan Jr. expressed his gratitude for the dedication and hard work that went into this project, stating, “We are moving along our recovery projects and key capital infrastructure projects despite the challenges posed by supply chain lags and workforce shortages. Completing the temporary bridge on Queen Mary Highway is a testament to our commitment to improving our territory’s infrastructure.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Custom Builders, the Virgin Islands Public Works Department, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Office of Disaster Recovery for their unwavering dedication to managing and ensuring the completion of these critical recovery and capital improvement projects.”
As part of the administration’s comprehensive infrastructure improvement plan, the construction of the Midland Bridge on Midland Road will begin on July 26. With the commencement of the Midland Bridge project, motorists can expect changes to the normal traffic pattern on Midland Road.