U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS — In observance of the hard work and dedication of the front-line workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Albert Bryan Jr. on Tuesday issued an Executive Order approving administrative leave for non-essential government employees to commemorate Carnival on St. Thomas, which was canceled this year because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Under the Governor’s order, all government offices will be closed Friday.
“The Division of Festivals and WTJX has provided a wonderful series of events on TV and on Facebook showing you Carnivals from years before. I’m sure you might catch a picture of the Governor having a good time, back when my hair was black,” Governor Bryan said last week during the COVID-19 update on April 22.
“For those of us who have reveled since the time we were small, this is a very special time of year for us,” he said. “We miss our friends and families. I miss all of you and the great time we have.”