Government of the United States Virgin Islands

Joint Information Center

Government House Briefing Reveals EPA Sequential Sampling Results, Data Anomalies Detected

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – At the weekly Government House briefing on Monday, Communications Director Richard Motta announced that Governor Albert Bryan Jr. has received a report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that indicates anomalies in EPA data that found elevated lead and copper in the water system in some areas of St. Croix in …

Government House Briefing Reveals EPA Sequential Sampling Results, Data Anomalies DetectedRead More »

Governor Albert Bryan Jr. Announces Positive Results from EPA Sequential Water Testing on St. Croix

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Governor Albert Bryan Jr. shared reassuring news from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recent sequential water testing on St. Croix today. The comprehensive analysis indicates that concerns over widespread elevated levels of lead and copper in the water system may be unfounded. This finding aligns with initial assessments by the Department of Planning …

Governor Albert Bryan Jr. Announces Positive Results from EPA Sequential Water Testing on St. CroixRead More »

1,288 Clean Water Vouchers Distributed to WAPA Water Customers

Distribution Continues on Monday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Agricultural Fairgrounds U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Water and Power Authority and members of the USVI Government’s Unified Command conducted the distribution of water vouchers over the weekend to St. Croix residents impacted by elevated lead and copper levels in their potable drinking water. …

1,288 Clean Water Vouchers Distributed to WAPA Water CustomersRead More »

WAPA To Distribute Drinking Water Vouchers This Weekend On St. Croix

Water customers living in areas affected by lead and copper in the water supply will be eligible ST. CROIX, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Chief Executive Officer Andrew Smith has announced the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority’s “Clean Water Action” distribution plan for water vouchers to St. Croix residents who live in the areas affected by …

WAPA To Distribute Drinking Water Vouchers This Weekend On St. CroixRead More »

Governor Bryan Requests Emergency Declaration from President Biden Amid Water Contamination Crisis

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – In a decisive response to a critical public health situation, Governor Albert Bryan Jr. has formally requested an emergency declaration from President Joe Biden. This action follows the Governor’s declaration of a local state of emergency on Oct. 30, 2023, in response to hazardous levels of lead and copper detected in the water supply of St. …

Governor Bryan Requests Emergency Declaration from President Biden Amid Water Contamination CrisisRead More »

WAPA Clarifies Misinformation Regarding Potable Water Lead Levels on St. Croix

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (“WAPA” or “Authority”) would like to address recent misinformation circulating about current lead levels in St. Croix’s potable water system. As much as we work closely with the media, it is important to ensure that information received and shared has been verified and from …

WAPA Clarifies Misinformation Regarding Potable Water Lead Levels on St. CroixRead More »

WAPA Completes Extended Water Sampling for Downtown Christiansted, Progress Continues Towards Ensuring Community Safety

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (“WAPA” or “Authority”) has successfully completed extended water sampling in collaboration with the Department of Planning and Natural Resources (DPNR) in downtown Christiansted, an additional step in ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of the Authority’s potable water supply.  Today, sampling extended in the …

WAPA Completes Extended Water Sampling for Downtown Christiansted, Progress Continues Towards Ensuring Community SafetyRead More »

All Tests Returned Negative in Pediatric Lead Testing Pilot

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS –  Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Nicole Craigwell-Syms is announcing the successful completion of the VI Department of Health’s pilot testing phase of the “Safe Haven – A Lead-Free Families Initiative” program. Results from the pediatric lead testing of 64 Alfredo Andrews Elementary School students in Granny Pre-K, first and second grade all returned …

All Tests Returned Negative in Pediatric Lead Testing PilotRead More »

WAPA Removes Waterline Components on St. Croix for Lead Testing and Replacement

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – As part of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority’s (“WAPA” or “Authority”) commitment to addressing the presence of high lead levels in specific areas on St. Croix, yesterday, WAPA in collaboration with VI Paving completed exploratory digging in the Strawberry Hill area.   During this process, several components of the existing …

WAPA Removes Waterline Components on St. Croix for Lead Testing and ReplacementRead More »

Governor Bryan Declares State of Emergency in Response to St. Croix Water Quality Compromise

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – On October 30, 2023, Governor Albert Bryan Jr. signed an Executive Order declaring a State of Emergency in the District of St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands in response to the presence of elevated levels of contaminants in the water distribution system on the island. The Executive Order that Governor Bryan …

Governor Bryan Declares State of Emergency in Response to St. Croix Water Quality CompromiseRead More »